Water Tower Gallery in Lasva



Call to arrange the visit phone +372 5193 6948


In piano stairs can be accessed at the same time about 20 people.

Come to the water tower roof look at the sky in the morning or evening - the next time in December

Lasva veetorn

infotulp Lasva Water Tower Gallery and info window


Estonia,Võru County Lasva area, was renovated with the support of the European Union, the old water-tower and store kerosene depot. The project will create an attractive tourism area of the center, which offers entertainment, and educates and introduces visitors to a tourist destination and businesses.

The appearance of the buildings were new and innovative features:

Old water tower was Veetorni Gallery, which is located in a unique vocal piano stairs. Introducing permanent exhibition area is located in the walls. Credits are a photographer Peeter Laurits and historian Uuno Ojala. In old water tank is a new exhibition every year. The tower has a grass roof.



Water Tower Gallery in Lasva   Media coverage:






15.01.2009 Võrumaa Teataja;

20.06.2009 Võrumaa Teataja;

25.06.2009 ehitusuudised.net;

01.08.2009 Eesti Ekspress,

13.08.2009 Maaleht,

15.08.2009 Võrumaa Teataja,

17.08.2009 Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu uudislõik

04.09.2009 võrumaa24.ee

08.09.2009 Võrumaa Teataja

08.09.2009 Maaleht

12.09.2009 Võrumaa Teataja

03.10.2009 Eesti Päevaleht

19.11.2009 Eesti Areng

ETV saade "Sõida maale" 12.12.2009 kell 10:00 - tulemas

Ajakiri Eramu ja Korter - tulemas

valguskaev Light wells, the inside the water tower floor

klavertreppPiano stairs

veetynnOld water tank is now a place for the exhibition. Is now seen aerial photographs of the Lasva.

Latvian Choir sings in the water tank

murukatus The water tower grass roof


fotograaf Peeter Lauritsa ekspositsiooni ülespanekExposure to introducing the history of the region. Author Peeter Laurits

Uuno Ojala ja Peeter Laurits planeerimasExposure design, Uuno Ojala and Peeter Laurits

More photos
Fotod ZiZi&YoYo lehel

Veetorni Gallery was opened on 14th August 2009.a



esinejad ilutulestik

Photographs of Lake concert in 2008, Jassi Zahharov and Airi Pütsep


The author is an architect Veronika Valk ZiZi&YoYo, promoter Lasva Vallavalitsus.

Piano stairs are manufactured by Kalle-Priit Pruuden - OÜ Hansanova

Project Manager: Mart Keerutaja

Info +372 5628 9949




An object is built through the European Union structural assistance, through the Enterprise Estonia program to strengthen the competitiveness of regions. The project cost was 240 650, of which structural figure was 204 550




The project has renovated the former water-tower and kerosene depot novel feature tourist attractions. Part of the Lasva Kuustemäe-road was covered with dust-free coating. The project received support from the EAS program to strengthen the competitiveness of regions. The works were completed 2009th in August



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